Team Awarded Considerate Constructors ‘Certificate of Excellence’

We were delighted to accept a Certificate of Excellence from the Considerate Constructor Scheme after their last visit to the Mindenhurst Development. The team achieved a level of excellence in each of the following sections; Care about Appearance, Respect the Community, Protect the Environment, Secure everyone’s Safety, and Value their Workforce.

The CCS monitor said:  “It was a real pleasure to revisit this professionally managed development. The external appearance is splendid, remarkably clean and tidy and overall the site continues to leave an excellent impression of the construction industry and the aims of the Scheme.”

This recognition reflects the hard work and commitment of the entire project team to achieve excellence on every aspect of this development.

What else is on

Update on the new Food Store
Update on the new Food Store
We are pleased to announce that we have just exchanged contracts with an...
May construction update
May construction update
Click here for the latest construction news and progress at Mindenhurst
Following Carianne Blog
Following Carianne Blog
This series is all about life as a Construction Manager, so I can tell you what my...
New outdoor spaces are opened for the community to enjoy

Village green and pond open to the public

Local residents are free to enjoy some newly-opened outdoor public spaces now that the pond and village green areas have been completed.

Despite the disruption caused by Covid-19, the Skanska team was able to open these green spaces to the public at the end of May. The village green and pond areas are part of the development’s planned community facilities. There is a new children’s play area nearby, which we are pleased to open to the public on 4th July following updated government guidance. In addition, planning permission has recently been granted for the new village pub, The Frog, which will sit by the green.

Leisliane Garcia, Development Director at Mindenhurst, said: “We are really proud to welcome our neighbours to these new community facilities. The green’s landscape design is based on heathland plants that reflect the natural ecology of the area and provide quality and sustainability. As lockdown restrictions begin to be eased, we are delighted to offer these outdoor spaces for the community to enjoy”.

Works will be ongoing in areas to maintain and improve quality. Should you need to report an issue, please get in touch at

What else is on

Update on the new Food Store
Update on the new Food Store
We are pleased to announce that we have just exchanged contracts with an...
May construction update
May construction update
Click here for the latest construction news and progress at Mindenhurst
Following Carianne Blog
Following Carianne Blog
This series is all about life as a Construction Manager, so I can tell you what my...
Mindenhurst Construction

Working Safely Under New Guidelines

At Mindenhurst we are closely following the government guidance regarding the Coronavirus (Covid19) pandemic. The Government has asked the construction industry to continue working therefore, where we are able to ensure the safety of those working on site, we will continue our operations.

We continue to follow Government and Construction Leadership Council guidelines, as well our own stringent safety requirements which are in line with the latest guidance from Public Health England. We will keep these arrangements under constant review and take any steps required.

Our priority is and always will be, protecting the safety of all people: the welfare of our communities, staff, customers and sub-contractors will always be paramount; never more so than in the unprecedented circumstances in which we find ourselves.

The best way to keep up to date with developments at Mindenhurst is to continue to check our website for regular updates and you can contact us directly via our getting in touch page.

What else is on

Update on the new Food Store
Update on the new Food Store
We are pleased to announce that we have just exchanged contracts with an...
May construction update
May construction update
Click here for the latest construction news and progress at Mindenhurst
Following Carianne Blog
Following Carianne Blog
This series is all about life as a Construction Manager, so I can tell you what my...

Reduction in Community Engagement Activities

At Mindenhurst we are closely following the government guidance and are adhering to their advice to reduce social contact. This will unfortunately reduce the amount of face to face engagement we have with the community including the Drop-In sessions and other public commitments. The best way to keep up to date with developments at Mindenhurst is to check our website, where you can find construction updates, cancellation notices for public events, and send us any questions you may have. Please be advised that responses to queries submitted may take slightly longer.

What else is on

Update on the new Food Store
Update on the new Food Store
We are pleased to announce that we have just exchanged contracts with an...
May construction update
May construction update
Click here for the latest construction news and progress at Mindenhurst
Following Carianne Blog
Following Carianne Blog
This series is all about life as a Construction Manager, so I can tell you what my...

Local children brighten up our site

Portesbery School Group Photo
Children from Portesbery School and Lakeside Primary School design artwork for our hoarding

Last year the Mindenhurst team invited children from Portesbery School and Lakeside Primary School to create artwork illustrating Skanska’s values, including reducing our carbon footprint, care for life and our environment. The winning artwork from this competition would be displayed on our hoarding however as all the submissions we received showed such creativity and imagination we decided they were all winners. We have displayed all their artwork on our hoarding outside the new Mindenhurst Primary School and Nursery. To thank them for their hard work and creativity we were delighted to invite the children to site to view their art and recieve a goodie bag for all their hard work.

What else is on

Update on the new Food Store
Update on the new Food Store
We are pleased to announce that we have just exchanged contracts with an...
May construction update
May construction update
Click here for the latest construction news and progress at Mindenhurst
Following Carianne Blog
Following Carianne Blog
This series is all about life as a Construction Manager, so I can tell you what my...

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