Apply for your tree today!

Jubilee Tree Giveaway

To celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee people across the UK are being invited to plant trees in an initiative called ‘The Queen’s Green Canopy’.

To support our local environment and to honour the monarch’s 70-year reign we will be giving away 70 trees during the year to local residents, schools and community groups.

To apply for a free tree please click below and complete the application form.

Application Form

If you are one of the first 70 people to apply, we will be in touch to find the right species of tree for the space you have available.

Trees will be delivered from a certified nursery at the start of the tree planting season in October.

We are taking advice from Surrey Wildlife Trust to maximise biodiversity and provide the appropriate tree species for the local area.

If you have any questions or difficulties completing this form please contact us at

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Update on the new Food Store
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Aquinna Homes at Mindenhurst


Aquinna Homes plc is delighted to be joining the Mindenhurst community. We will be refurbishing the imposing “HQ Building” located on Newfoundland Road to our normal very high standards with an exceptional specification worthy of such an outstanding building. All of our homes will be very spacious and will be smoothly integrated within the fabric of the existing building.

Our development will comprise 12 one and two bedroom apartments and 3 three bedroom duplexes with delivery expected by Spring 2023.

Aquinna Homes plc is a multi-award winning company over several years with a small but highly experienced team. The company was set up in 2004 and has since built over 700 homes across 50 locations. We offer a creative and refreshing new approach to home building within the aspirational residential market.

Stephen Brazier, Managing Director said “We thrive on our innovative solutions and exemplary specification. We build in some of the finest locations in London and the South East. We are delighted to add Mindenhurst to our portfolio and we are sure you will be impressed by the homes we offer to the market. We take great pride in creating beautiful homes of outstanding quality, each with the Aquinna hallmark of attention to detail.”

We very much hope this is our first development of many at Mindenhurst and we hope to be an active part of the community for many years to come.

We will regularly update our website on build progress and sales releases on, where you can also learn more about our product and philosophy. We very much look forward to welcoming you on a visit to our show-home at Mindenhurst in the first half of 2023!


Aquinna Homes plc – May 2022

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Closure of Play Equipment

Blackdown Road Playground

A recent full play safety inspection of the Blackdown play area has been undertaken by ROSPA.

Based on the recommendations highlighted in this report the current landowner has requested us to take some items out of service until such time as they can arrange for the remedial works to be undertaken.

We update this post when we know when these repairs are likely to take place.

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Update on the new Food Store
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Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness week will be taking place from Monday 9th to Sunday 15th May

It is important to be aware of our own mental health as well as checking in with others, that is why we will be encouraging everyone to get out and walk with a friend / family member wherever is accessible to you.

Mindenhurst has numerous paths and trails to discover and take the opportunity to calm your mind and recalibrate with nature.

If you would like some direction with where to go head over to the Mindenhurst Website Travel page:

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Update on the new Food Store
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Construction Update - March 2022

Please find below the latest construction update.

Construction Update - January 2022

1 – Drainage works will be taking place to the South of the Bovis site on Royal Way. There will be some disruption to the top of Royal Way but this should not affect access to the Central SANGs hut, and we do not anticipate any road or footpath closures.

2 There will be works undertaken to the first bellmouth on Mindenhurst Road as you enter from the northern access roundabout. This will involve installing kerbs, edgings, and tarmac alongside lowering or raising manholes in this location. There will be some localised re-routing for pedestrians and this bellmouth will not be available for waiting or parking.

3 Landscaping works will continue to the Green Swathe, including importing topsoil, planting and installing footpaths. These works will be coordinated with Cala to allow access to all areas. There will also be installation of bridges which will be positioned over the swale at the Green Swathe.

4 Works will continue to Mindenhurst Road, including installation of fencing and bollards.

5 – Highway works will be continuing outside of the main military gate to complete the
highway in this location. For this, the front gate to the CALA development will be closed and access will be via the back of the site. This is anticipated to last for 3 weeks in March.

Bat boxes will be installed around the site to rehome any bats that might be displaced by construction works ongoing around the development.

Construction Update - March 2022

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Update on the new Food Store
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Construction Update - April 2022

Please find below the latest construction update.

Construction Update - January 2022

1 – We will be installing a new substation and electrical cables on Blackdown Road. There will not be any road closures due to these works.

2 Refurbishment works to St. Barbara’s church will continue. This includes the installation of scaffolding to facilitate weatherproofing and decoration works. We will be closing off some of the parking spaces in the church car park, on the left-hand side as you enter. This will be our compound area and will allow us to conduct works without blocking access for pedestrians.

3 Landscaping works will be continuing to the Green Swathe, including the installation of the new pedestrian bridges.

4 – We will start demolition of the buildings within Princess Royal Barracks that are situated on the path of the new Loop Road. This new road will run behind the Mindenhurst School therefore there will be additional noise in the area. Dust and noise levels will be closely monitored during these works.


Construction Update - April 2022

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Update on the new Food Store
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World Water Day

Village Pond

World Water Day takes place on 22nd March each year and focuses on the importance of freshwater throughout the world.

Here in Mindenhurst we are situated very close to the fresh waterway of the Basingstoke Canal. We also have the new village pond, which in addition to being great for wildlife, is an essential part of the Mindenhurst Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS). The SuDS network of swales, ditches and channels manage the surface water run off across the development and form part of the protection for the Basingstoke Canal SSSI. The pond is an integral part of this system and helps to break down pollutants in the water through natural processes before the water eventually flows downstream and into the canal.

Our village pond is also a welcome natural habitat as it encourages plants and wildlife to thrive. Since it was built in 2018 the vegetation that was originally planted has been thriving. The damp meadow grass, wetland, marsh planting, and submerged planting has welcomed many species and provides an important habitat for biodiversity, especially birds, amphibians and invertebrates such as dragonflies. This new habitat also contributes to the biodiversity net gain strategy of the development.

You may have noticed that the Village Green pond forms a coverage of algae and duckweed during the warmer months. The presence of this coverage indicates that there is a high level of nutrients present in the pond. It is natural for a pond to develop this coverage during an annual cycle, however, it is important that this coverage is managed to avoid poor water quality in the pond. The pond is regularly inspected to ensure this cover does not adversely affect the biodiversity within the pond. Regular maintenance activities also take place which can include the direct removal of the coverage and dredging however this is done in a controlled and sensitive way. The timing of the management is important for protecting biodiversity, therefore, scheduled maintenance on a pond will usually be carried out in the autumn or winter, when waterfowl, amphibians and aquatic invertebrates are less active.

The objective for the pond in the long-term is to provide a good quality aquatic habitat for biodiversity, which also acts as an important part of the SuDS network.

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Random Act of Kindness

For ‘Random Acts of Kindness Day’ on 17th February, Skanska is collecting donations for The Hope Hub to distribute to people who
need their support.

Some of the individuals they work with are in emergency accommodation and only have access to a kettle or microwave. The supplies they need the most are food which can be easily stored and heated. We have put together a list of items they would appreciate:

• ‘Just add water’ items e.g. pot noodles
• Meals in a tin / jar e.g. spaghetti hoops / chicken casserole
• Cereal bars
• Vegetables in a tin / jar
• Cereals
• Men’s deodorant
• Other toiletries: toothbrushes, toothpaste, bodywash

If you are able to donate any of these items please bring them to Skanska’s Project Office, on Newfoundland Road, where there will be a donation box until February 17th.

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Update on the new Food Store
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Construction Update - February 2022

Please find below the latest construction update.

Construction Update - January 2022

1 – Pathway works and installation of fencing will be ongoing on the Eastern area and play area. This will conclude the works in this area of the Central SANGS.

2 Soft landscaping in the form of planting will commence on the Bovis Bank following the remediation works. This is expected to last around 4 weeks.

3 – Works will commence on the Western area (located at the top of the Royal Way). These works will be soft landscaping including clearance of weeds, seeding and planting.

4 – Drainage works will be completed to the south boundary of the Bovis A3 parcel and the bellmouth entrance into the museum. These works will involve excavating the road in some instances and will require us to shut off the top of the Royal Way. This should not affect access down to the Central SANGS hut for those who use that road.

5 – Works will be completed on the new entrance to parcel M2 which will complete the permanent works in this location. This will involve one Saturday of tarmacking works. Notice will be given to residents in advance.

6 Additional works will be commencing on Mindenhurst Road, including the installation of fencing and granite paving to demarcate the Surrey County Council highway boundary. This should not affect residential traffic as works will take place away from the main road. Some footpaths may be diverted during this time.

7 – Works to hard and soft landscaping will continue on the Green Swathe throughout February. This includes installation of footpaths, planting and seeding.

8 – The new substation housing will be installed to Substation 14 which is located on Blackdown Road. This will include the use of a vehicle mounted crane which may block one lane of the highway for no longer than an hour. These works will be coordinated with a vehicle marshal to ensure the safety of residents. Cabling works will also be taking place during this time which will allow us to start backfilling the trench in this location.

9 – Refurbishment works will start on St. Barbara’s Church which will include the removal of a tree to the south of the church. This is being carried out with approval by the
Council and is required as the root system is at risk of undermining the church.

10 – Soft landscaping maintenance works will be continuing to the Village Green and Central SANGS.

11 – The Royal Way will be closed, just after the SANGS Hut, from Monday 14th February. This is a permanent closure required for future housing in the area beyond.

Construction Update - February 2022

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RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch

Take part in the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch from 28th – 30th January 2022. Mindenhurst is rich with wildlife and we are always keen to encourage residents to get out and explore what the areas of nature have to offer!

Register your participation at and download the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch guide and start spotting your local bird species!

When you see local Mindenhurst species make sure you snap a photo and send them to us at:, for a chance to be featured on our community website:


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Update on the new Food Store
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May construction update
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