There are many opportunities for cycling at Mindenhurst, be it for leisure, health, or accessing school or work. The Mindenhurst development has been designed with cycling in mind. There is a network of cycle routes provided by the development which have been designed to connect all of the residential neighbourhoods with local facilities both within Mindenhurst and beyond.
Cycling allows an opportunity for sustainable, green travel with the added benefit of being able to travel a little further than by journeys on foot.
Aside from being the most environmentally friendly way to travel, cycling has other benefits. Cycling regularly will provide genuine health benefits. For example, reducing the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, obesity and some cancers. It also reduces cholesterol, lowers high blood pressure and is good for your sense of well being.
Cycling Routes
Surrey County Council provide cycle training events. Further information and how to book is available at https://surreycycletraining.online/public/.
Additional routes and maps are also available from Surrey County Council at https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/roads and transport/sustainable travel/cycling.
Beyond the local routes, the Sustrans website (www.sustrans.org.uk) provides further information, route maps and events related to the National Cycle Network.
It is also possible to hire cycles from nearby Farnborough.
The Cycle To Work Scheme
This scheme allows tax benefits for employees looking to purchase a bike. For more details please visit their website: https://www.cyclescheme.co.uk.
Mindenhurst Cycle Network Strategy
Please click on the link below to view the Cycle Network Strategy. This strategy provides details of the design, specification, location, and delivery of Shared Pedestrian/Cycle Routes across the development.